Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act

This is included because it has been continued as the Reopening Ontario Act as per:

Orders continued
2 (1) The orders made under section 7.0.2 or 7.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act that have not been revoked as of the day this subsection comes into force are continued as valid and effective orders under this Act and cease to be orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the order filed as Ontario Regulation 106/20 (Order Made Under the Act — Extensions and Renewals of Orders).

(3) For greater certainty, an order that is in force is continued under subsection (1) even if, on the day that subsection comes into force, the order does not apply to any area of the Province.

Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act

RSO 1990, c E.9

Last amendment: 2019, c. 7, Sched. 17, s. 64.


Emergency Powers And Orders


Orders in emergency

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