Student Discipline

To provide a learning, working and living environment that is supportive of scholarship and fair in treatment of all of its members, and to establish a process for addressing and hearing allegations of violations by students of the university’s expectations for academic and non-academic conduct.


The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995 (“the Act”) provides Council with the responsibility for student discipline in matters of academic dishonesty, which is referred to throughout this document as “academic misconduct.” All hearing boards, whether at the college or university level, are expected to carry out their responsibilities in accordance with approved council regulations and processes. The Council delegates oversight of college-level hearing boards to the respective deans, and oversight of university-level hearing boards to the governance committee of Council.

The Act gives the Senate responsibility to make by-laws respecting the discipline of students for any reason other than academic dishonesty. A Senate hearing board has the authority to decide whether a student has violated the Standard of Student Conduct and to impose sanctions for such violations. Senate’s Standard of Student Conduct in Non-Academic Matters and Procedures for Resolution of Complaints and Appeals address the principles and procedures applicable to complaints about non-academic misconduct.

In addition, Section 79 of the Act authorizes the President of the University to suspend a student immediately when, in the opinion of the President the suspension is necessary to avoid disruption to any aspect of the activities of the university or any unit of the university; to protect the interests of other students, faculty members or employees of the university or members of the Board or the Senate, or to protect the property of the university.



This policy applies to all students who are registered or in attendance at the University of Saskatchewan in a program under the oversight of Council. More complete explanations of the scope of academic and non-academic disciplinary procedures are outlined in the respective procedures.

It is acknowledged that while similar expectations govern all members of the university community, including faculty and staff, these expectations and their associated procedures are dealt with under various of the university’s other formal policies (such as Council’s Guidelines for Academic Conduct, University Learning Charter, the Policy on Discrimination and Harassment Prevention and the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy) as well as by provincial labour legislation, employment contracts and collective agreements.

Policy and procedures

Wherever possible and appropriate, every effort should be made by instructors, university officials and/or student associations to resolve minor violations of expectations for student conduct through informal means. If, however, it appears that formal measures are warranted, complaints and allegations of misconduct will be handled through the regulations and procedures referenced below.


If you have questions about this policy please contact:

Contact Person: USask Governance Office
Phone: 306-966-6253

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